I’m an award-winning creative director who for the past 15+ years has been helping people solve problems and sell things. Like Drake, I started at the bottom. But, only one of us has written an ad that John Cleese said was, ‘actually ok' and ‘not unfunny’. It features below. I’ll leave you to guess.

Words, ads & other stuff

My modus operandi approach is pretty simple. Be good to work with; and do good work. If you’ve got a project you’d like a hand with give me a call, I’d love to help.


I’ve been lucky enough to work with some people who made me look better than I am. As a result some international and local awards have been won. My two faves are the Global Effie for Jim Beam Devil’s Cut. And the Grand Effie for Canadian Club’s ‘Over Beer?’

This recognition came with the added bonus of a finalist in the hotly contested:

Best Awkward Award Ceremony Photograph.